From an early age, I was enamored with and inspired by imaginative, beautiful, and playful depictions of women - in fashion photos, on stage, in films, etc. The magic that these portrayals radiated with completely enthralled me. I wanted these images to be my reality. So, Iā€™d dance like Janet Jackson did in her music videos, pose like Sailor Moon in photographs, and cut up glittery skirts and make crazy outfits - much to my mother's dismay. 

In my creative work, my goal is to partner with brands and artists to open doors between this aforementioned world of beautiful imagination and life. Blurring the lines between dreams and reality, so that people can feel more comfortable with the unexplored magical parts of themselves and  the world. 

Studying Fine Art in Pont-Aven with Brown University, getting my Masters of Engineering in Technical Entrepreneurship, launching a successful fashion Kickstarter, and creating films for brands like Elizabeth & James has crystallized my ability to capture the essence of what is most enchanting about any brand, song, product, or experience. I work collaboratively with teams to communicate new and creative ways of experiencing these offerings.

As a director, I value vulnerability, joie de vivre, resourcefulness, and exploring the world around me as a source of inspiration. I am currently based in San Francisco, California, and am always looking to work on beautiful, perspective shifting music videos and branded content film projects projects ā€” in the fashion, music, and beauty spaces. Say hello at @kimathearte on instagram.